Developing and optimizing successful communication and marketing concepts


or Developing with the Customer, not just for the Customer.

Meaning: Research throughout the entire development process. Having an attractive product for a significant problem is only half the battle. The best product is worthless if your customer doesn't learn about it or simply overlooks your communication.


With behavioral economics, the irrational decision-making behavior of individuals becomes predictable. This provides us with a foundation to develop sales and communication strategies that reflect both the interests of the company and the needs of the customers. It lays the groundwork for sustainable success.

Market Fit

Story Fit

Conversion Fit

Market Fit Phase

Create the best value proposition for your customers.

Which components of the product are particularly attractive? Which features should be highlighted? What is the ideal price point for the product?

Story Fit Phase

Develop the optimal story for your campaigns.

Which story creates the highest attention? Which communication ideas perform the best?

Conversion Fit Phase

Convince as many customers as possible - optimize conversions.

How can the number of drop-offs be minimized? What is the optimal user flow for your communication and sales campaign? Where do dropouts occur? What measures can be taken to prevent them?


Keep a close eye on the performance of your brand and campaigns so that you can react to changes early on.

Our 6 Guarantees for Implementation:

"Make it Matter" is our motto. We capture general learnings and use behavioral economics to uncover the mechanics and heuristics behind customer behavior. From there, we employ targeted nudges to achieve the desired outcome. Feasibility is essential, which is why we typically utilize the following elements in our work:

Insight Principles

Insight Principles reveal the mechanisms or principles of understanding that your customer uses to decide what to do in a given situation.

By knowing the Insight Principles of your customers, you gain an understanding of how the topic functions from their perspective and whether they are already utilizing all the opportunities it offers for you.

Do's and Donts

For each topic, we provide specific actionable rules in their respective contexts. The goal is to leverage the learnings to know what to do or avoid doing with your customers in order to achieve the desired outcome.


Die Entscheidungs-Syntax skizziert die Entscheidungslogik Ihrer Kunden. So decken wir hiermit auf, welche Themen in welcher Reihenfolge – mit welchen Qualitätskriterien bei der Entscheidung im Kopf ihres Kunden durchlaufen werden. Ohne Kenntnis der Entscheidungs-Syntax kann es passieren, dass sie aus Sicht ihrer Kunden ein Argument der frühen Entscheidungsschicht nicht gut beantworten und dadurch aus dem Relevant Set fallen, obwohl sie alle weiteren Kriterien mit Bravour erfüllen.

BE Toolbox & Pattern Analysis

The analysis of behavioral patterns reveals which behavioral tools your customers use, the goals that motivate their behavior, and the needs underlying their behavior. For this purpose, we utilize our Behavioral Economics Effects Toolbox, which includes the 90 most important scientifically proven behavioral effects.

Nudiging Strategy Card

Ein entscheidender Vorteil für die Arbeit mit Behavioral Economics ist, dass wir durch das Erkennen der gezeigten Verhaltensmuster ihrer Kunden nicht nur besonders gut verstehen wie er tickt, sondern bietet Lösungsmöglichkeiten an, wie diese Verhaltensmuster durch welche konkreten Maßnahmen (Nudges/Erfolgsstrategien) das Kundenverhalten positiv verändert werden kann.


Efficiency and effectiveness are important to us. That's why we have developed structured canvases for each key step (e.g., scoping phase, ...), which enable us to navigate through all phases accurately and efficiently, ultimately achieving our goals.

Our clients come from the following industries:

Schedule a free consultation.


StraightONE GmbH

(0049) 911 2177 380


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